Making Instant Cash is about understanding timing and opportunity. Getting your mindset and your thought process in order is critical to helping you make money every single day. So grab your favorite beverage and get ready to work. This workbook is designed to show you how you are missing money and leaving money on the table. As you work and answer the questions in this book, you can expect your mind to SHIFT!
Insta-Cash shows you how to make a PLAN for creating money each day, how much to charge and how to forecast the amount of money you will make. There is also a MONEY MAKING PLAN WORKSHEET that includes 30 days of planning your income – helping you build the habit of setting your expectation to earn money every singe day.
As you take in the principles taught in this workbook and layout reasonable plans, you will be taught how to make money easily and consistently, how to become deliberate in your approach as a business owner and how to be intentionally productive. You learn to release your pride and ego and free yourself to CREATE and RECEIVE unlimited amounts of CASH!
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